The Gospel Moves Forward in Power
Acts 12:24,25- Acts 13:1-12 NASB
Theft of God’s Glory has Consequences
Acts 12:20-25 NASB
Prayer Aligns Us with God’s Will
Acts 12:1-19 NASB
The Spirit and the Word Expanding Horizons
Acts 11:19-30 NASB
The Spirit Leads Through Difficult Changes
Acts 11:1-18 NASB
God Arranges Meetings for His Purposes
Acts 10:23-48 NASB
Grace Breaks Down Barriers with the Gospel
Acts 10:1-23 NASB
Evaluate Your Life
1 Corinthians 11:17-34 NASB
The Need for the Christ
Luke 2:1-20 NASB
Brother Isaac Ardoin
Matthew 1:18-25